The reason is to provide something not readily available to the world; - a discussion by a set group of invited people - about the implications of consciousness to humans and the world as a whole.
Nearly all of the invited people to write on this blog have already proven themselves, via the internet, to possess significant interest in the esoteric with a bent to `open-mindedness' to ideas in general. That is - while still possessing SIGNIFICANT opinions on nearly all paranormal subject manner. Many of those opinions will be supported by direct experiences or even investigations
So, with part of TCI's opening positioning statement above, I want to take an editors prerogative and delve into my absolutely personal writings about what I consider to be HUGE ideas - that I'd like our group of respective minds to respond to if possible. And, it would help to leave all pre-conceptions about EVERY fundamental idea behind when we begin; also, if possible, before beginning - I'd like you to vaguely consider in your mind one of the hottest ideas in renegade physics -- THAT TIME DOES NOT EXIST.
Now, I will not trot out the `common man' idea that `time is just a construct so that our minds can understand the reality our senses digest --- even IF that is entirely true. NO, this is going to go MUCH deeper if I am correct (I defend my ideas as only a theory of course.) Indeed, what I hope to show you in just a few words is that EVERYTHING IS A SPACE - EVERYTHING. Including `time'.
Also, at this time, I will not go into again `how' these ideas came into my head in the 1970's; but, if one explores my blogs enough one can find out more (or the links I provide). But, it isn't important - what is important is that the `ideas' you are about to read `came to me' - and at the time - seemingly - were coming into my head from somewhere else. Call that whatever you want to.
Anyway, dozens and dozens of pages of this material `came' to me over the course of a year or so - a time when I had to have `my notebook' close to me for when the `rushes of information' would `come'. The information also came in the form of one poem even and really can be reduced from dozens of pages to just several `concepts of phenomenology' - in the most basic fundamental sense.
Like other writers on phenomenology - like Sartre and Husserl - the Phillips Phenomenology consists of principals and works outward in a sense from there. And, while in my mind I construct differing ideas on the `structure' and flow of these ideas - I can easily form `structures' that allow any of the ideas to be the `most fundamental' - so hang onto your hats and minds. Remember, leave all your ideas at the door opening.
First, I guess, I will refer to my above blanket statement and cutting edge science - that TIME does not exist -- and my statement, along with this edge science - that everything, yes everything, is a SPACE. Not only that - is a `space' with ONE overriding characteristic BECAUSE IT IS A SPACE - and that is --- that the space --- IS --- NOT-ABLE-TO-BE.
`Your' space - is `counted' and counted once - as having a location and placement compared to other spaces. `Every' space you have - HAS EXACTLY `THAT' AS IT'S MAIN ATTRIBUTE. It's unique `moment' of space - as it were. THAT moment, with all its relationship to other spaces - in any form - is a moment of balance that reflects a NOT ABLE TO BE (ness).
Now, here's the BUT.
BUT, there are `different' types of `spaces' -- some of which -- seem `timelike'. And, some of which, perhaps all of which, have a direct connection to the phenomenology of `our space' that is NOT ABLE TO BE.
Such as the concept of `other spaces' - that are seemingly NOT OURS. That are NOT our space of not able to be(ness). As indeed, the world IS composed of more than us. More than ONE (not able to be). And, when two `real' not able to be's (as opposed to a memory or imagination for now) - yes, I'm talking about YOU and anything else from a book to a spouse - are in the `same perceptual space' - several other aspects of phenomenology `run off' of the not able to be (structure).
Perhaps at this `time' it would be best to broach the subject of `timelike spaces' that are REAL - ie: two real folks sitting in a room; and `timelike spaces' that are NOT REAL - like memories and imagination (but are real in an `other sense - can see how layered this all is I hope).
First, `immediately outside' of ones `space', ones body, - is the entire universe and all of it - to you - is `able-to-not-be'. ALL of IT. IT is the `timelike space for YOU' and YOU are included in the same manner for IT. And, as these NOT ABLE TO BE and ABLE TO NOT BE - `spaces' overlap, literally, `run off' of each other -- something happens. Actualization happens. The REAL happens. The Event happens that corresponds to the perception of the event.
And, that singular event has ONE attribute that is counted as real - an attribute best described as `NOT ABLE TO NOT BE' - the determined real. Our personal `world' is a `past' that `determines' our personal NOW Space. The space of the not able to not be.
Light and consciousness probably determine the `size' of this running off of the not able to not be - but IT is absolutely infinitesimal in it's attachment to everyNOT ABLE TO BE (like you and I).
And, that is because of this upswelling of that `timelike space' the `able to not be'. The able to not be upswells from both the past and the future. It includes all the past events AND unactualized events of the past - IT also includes the entire future. Including all the SPACEs you will ever perceive or have had the opportunity to perceive.
When described this way - The `space' that is timelike --- this `able to not be' space --- IS EVERYTHING EXCEPT one thing -- it is EVERYTHING except `the intentionalities' of your personal `not able to be'. Your now. My now. Your space. My space. Yes, the glimmer of freewill. The spec of freewill that `runs off' of your personal not able to be.
Looking at the world - the reality we see - in this manner - allows for much in the realm of `paranormal'. Indeed, looking at phenomenology in this manner - allows all kinds of `able to not be(s)' to BE in existence. Literally in a different AREA of space - a different description of what space is - compared to the spaces of matter within the not able to be of real spaces (like you and I).
The `interactions' of these fundamental `concepts';which literally figure into our perceptions of real - produce this incredibly stable reality we seem to experience. Which we also know now due to science advances - breaks down as we get into smaller and smaller units. Things as we know - are NOT solid - but are comprised of MUCH MORE SPACE than `solid'. And, `time' breaks down in much the same way.
Finally, the man who wrote The End Of Time - Julian Barbour - suggests something along these lines as far as how reality gets from one `moment of space' to the next `moment of space' -- and that being that reality `follows a path of least resistence' that involves `picking the next moment' based on the criteria of the `best matching space with the least intrinsic difference'.
Lastly, the permutations of all this phenomenology when applied to imagination and memory and perception and consciousness are staggering. I look forward to all TCI's writers opinions on the matter and our reader base too.
The End of Time: The Next Revolution in Physics
And, that singular event has ONE attribute that is counted as real - an attribute best described as `NOT ABLE TO NOT BE' - the determined real. Our personal `world' is a `past' that `determines' our personal NOW Space. The space of the not able to not be.
ReplyDeleteHello Sir,
your phenomenology much sounds like philosophy. This is very similar to eastern philosophy of karma and 'Meemansa' . A recent work in quantum physics suggest that time could indeed be an emergent phenomenon like gravity. I'll like to review the case in context of that paper in next post. It's said that philosophy is easier to comprehend than physics but now, I know it's not!
And, that singular event has ONE attribute that is counted as real - an attribute best described as `NOT ABLE TO NOT BE' - the determined real. Our personal `world' is a `past' that `determines' our personal NOW Space. The space of the not able to not be.
ReplyDeleteHello Sir,
your phenomenology much sounds like philosophy. This is very similar to eastern philosophy of karma and 'Meemansa' . A recent work in quantum physics suggest that time could indeed be an emergent phenomenon like gravity. I'll like to review the case in context of that paper in next post. It's said that philosophy is easier to comprehend than physics but now, I know it's not!